Friday, March 14, 2008

Signs You're No Longer Free

The FBI avoids secret ( I repeat, SECRET!) courts to spy on unsuspecting Americans
Secret courts exist
All banks install software programs that alert the IRS of any "unusual" spending activity
The IRS exists
A $3 trillion budget is not enough to satisfy Washington politicians
The government borrows or prints money to give out to a select number of people
The president subsidizes an energy source more wasteful and more scarce than the one already in use
Baggy pants are outlawed in several cities and soon the entire state of Florida
The president is allowed to declare war
The president declares war on a military tactic (terrorism) and not a country or group
The Fed ignores inflation and a tanking dollar to bail out banks
The Fed exists
Real ID means you will need your papers to travel
The Democrats want to take the borrowed Iraq "War" money and use it to pay for "programs"
You can't gamble online
You can't marry if you're not straight
The Republicans want to legislate morality
If you're dying you better hope the FDA approved that drug
Torture is considered acceptable and is deemed to induce reliable information
Taking an oath on anything other than the bible is unacceptable even if you're not a Christian
We're better capable of defending Iraq than America
The Constitution is never a topic in any Presidential debate
1 in 100 Americans are incarcerated

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