Thursday, July 26, 2007

Current U.S. Wars

War in Afghanistan
War against Al Qaeda
War on Terror
War on Drugs
War on the Middle Class
War on Poverty
War on Christmas
War on Crime
War on Fundamentalism
War on AIDS
War on Cancer
War on Obesity
War against Men
War against Women
War on Want
War on Science
War on Illegal Immigration
War on Journalism
War on Guns
War on Christians
War on the Environment
War in Iraq (not officially a war)

I guess a war on taxes is out of the question, then we wouldn't be able to fund all our other wars.


JCARD3352 said...

Ha, you can't have a war on taxes when you are fighting so many wars.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you forgot the war against Islam.

Unknown said...

I am so sick of obama and his b.s. and lies. I am also sick of congress. We, Americans, can support wars and lose our young mens lives, but we cannot afford to support our families. We should take care of our home first and foremost. Do not think if obama raises taxes on the "Rich" that it won't be passed down to even the lowest of incomes. It is always passed down. He (obama) is an idiot. We need someone with some common sense.